ACT QUICK: How to Pass a Drug Test in 24 Hours

Drug tests for employees and people on parole or probation are common. There is usually little warning, and people have to figure out how to pass a drug test in 24 hours.

Health food stores and other companies sell products that help people pass drug tests. These products are taken orally to detoxify the body and remove traces of drugs. They are useful for drug tests that require urine or blood samples.

Some drug tests check hair strands. For these types of tests, taking a detoxification product will not help. However, there are shampoos available that cleanse the hair strands and remove toxins. These shampoos will help a person to pass a drug test on short notice.

A person may be required to take a saliva test. In this case, the person should use a strong mouth wash just a few hours before the test in order to show no signs of illegal drug use.

Home Remedy for How to Pass a Drug Test in 24 Hours

A common home remedy to pass a drug test involves drinking a lot of water. This dilutes the urine, causing a negative test result. A person has to be cautious with this approach because drinking a lot of water will dilute the urine too much, which would indicate that a person has deliberately attempted to pass a drug test. In addition, drinking an excessive amount of water can cause health problems and possibly death.

Mixing water with a sports drink to help dilute urine is also recommended as a way to pass a drug test. The sports drink gives the urine more color so that it does not look like someone is drinking a lot of water to pass a drug test.

Niacin tablets are good for passing urine tests for marijuana. For these to work, a person needs to take a few pills a couple hours before the test is given.

Cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar are other products that flush out toxins and give a negative drug test result.

All of these methods are used to quickly cleanse the body of illegal drugs. People who have tried these things have reported varying levels of success, and some of the methods work better for certain drugs.

The success rate for using these ways of detoxification varies based on a person’s frequency of drug use, health, body mass and other factors. For heavy users, it may be difficult to get drugs out of the system in 24 hours.

There are additional options for people who have to take a urine test. Fake urine is available for purchase. A person can also collect urine from someone who does not use drugs. The urine can be stored in a condom or small bag and kept close to the body so that the temperature is appropriate.

The Internet has many sites that offer suggestions on how to pass a drug test in 24 hours. The only absolute way to pass a drug test on short notice is to avoid using illegal substances.


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