If You Want To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test

If you are really miffed about needing to shampoo your hair in preparation for a scheduled hair follicle drug test, the writer of the following article has a story that you ought to hear.  She once had to use a special shampoo on her hair, but she did not need to take a hair follicle drug test. One summer the writer had to shampoo her hair so that it could all be removed the following day—removed in an operating room by a team working with a neurosurgeon. You, on the other hand, are going to loose only one strand of hair.If you are looking for ways to pass a hair follicle drug test, do not run to the store and buy a large bottle of bleach. No amount of bleach can penetrate into the hair shaft. No amount of breach can destroy the toxins in a hair follicle.

Some people have learned the hard way that a hair cut can not eliminate all the toxins in a head of human hair. Do not be another person who has had to learn that lesson the hard way. Never let yourself think that a haircut might help you to pass a hair follicle drug test.

Do not purchase a blow dryer, thinking that by thoroughly blow drying your hair you have increased your chances for passing a hair follicle drug test. Do not buy some sort of cap. No head covering can cover-up the toxins in a hair follicle.

In order to pass a hair follicle drug test, one must first remove any trace of a toxin from all the hair follicles. That requires acquisition of a special shampoo—a shampoo that will penetrate into the hair shaft. Each hair follicle lies within a hair shaft.
 take a hair drug test

A shampoo can penetrate more easily into the shaft of a strand of thin hair. Penetration takes longer for a strand of thick hair. Not every shampoo can guarantee to provide every toxin-laden worker with the ability to pass the hair follicle drug test. Some shampoos work better for long hair; some only for short hair.

Before arriving for a hair drug test, an employee should stay away from any toxins. The employee should not use any sort of illegal substance. If the employee does use shampoo, then the employee should stay clear of cigarette smoke. Such smoke sticks readily to wet hair.

The employee needs to realize that even the best shampoo could still leave a tiny trace of toxin in the hair follicle. If an employer discovers traces of a toxin, then he or she should agree to a retest. If the test subject has avoided using drugs, alcohol or nicotine for 48 hours, then that test subject should be ready to have another strand of hair tested.

Avoidance of toxins should then ensure to the tested employee a negative test result. Shampooing, combined with a temporary avoidance of harmful substances can serve to banish any evidence of drug use by a tested employee. Those who do not want to go without drugs, even for a brief time, might want to change their religion.

Men might want to convert to the Sikh religion. Women might consider becoming Muslims. In either case, they would have grounds for refusing to take a hair drug test.

Hair Drug Testing At Home


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