Hair Drug Tests And How You Can Pass Them

Do you have a current hair drug test coming up soon?  Have you stopped taking the substances that may cause a problem ahead of time?  If you haven’t, you will be in danger of losing your job if your employer sees a positive hair drug test come back.  There are several ways people have come up with to pass the test.  But will they work for you?  And do you have enough time to implement them?  If the test is unannounced, you need to act quickly in order to save your job.  If you don’t, then you may be looking for other employment.An announced or unannounced hair drug test can cause quite a panic in anyone.  At least with the announced test, you have time to either stop taking the substances they are looking for or implement a plan so that you can pass the test and keep your job.  But so many companies today are going to the unannounced tests.  They don’t want you to have a chance to stop taking substances you use regularly.  They want to catch you using illegal substances whether it be drugs or alcohol.  Hair drug tests can detect Marijuana, Opiates, PCP, Cocaine, and Methamphetamines.

The bad thing about hair drug tests is that the substances can stay in your hair for up to ninety days at a time.  If you are not given a big enough notice, you may not be able to implement a plan to be able to pass the hair drug test.  This type of test is extremely accurate.  A hair drug test can go back about three months and the longer your hair is, the longer the history stays in the strand.  They say that one half an inch is equal to about thirty days.
hair drug test coming up soon

The method of this test is user friendly, no needles or invasive procedures.  Hair drug kits are also the most expensive way to test for drug use on the market today.  The good thing about this is most companies won’t use them and go for the cheaper urine test.

Some people have come up with several solutions as to how to beat a hair drug test.  Some say just shave your head.  That way, the only hair they can use is any body hair.  And that grows way slower than the hair on your head.  It has been said that people with very dark hair are more likely to test positive for substance abuse.

Drinking a lot of water several days before the hair drug test may help.  You must drink at least two quarts a day to help flush the toxins out.  The hair may or may not be affected by this solution, so try it well in advance.

There are also several shampoos that are sold that are said to remove all the drug residue from the tip of the strand to the follicle.  They will guarantee the removal for up to eight hours.  So if you wash your hair really good that morning, you should be able to make it through work that day and the test itself.

Of course, there is only one way to beat the test for sure.  That is to completely abstain from using drugs or alcohol in any form.  This may sound harsh, but it is way better for you and you don’t have to live in fear every time they mention a drug test to be done.  It is also a much better way to live.

All You Need to Know about Hair Follicle Drug Testing - Voice Article


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