For Workers with This Challenge: Pass Hair Drug Test
Maybe you find that you are constantly uttering these words to yourself, “Pass hair drug test.” Maybe you hear repeated claims from friends or colleagues, claims that they can offer you valuable assistance. Perhaps they complete their claims with the words, “Try this and you will do what you hope to do: pass hair drug test.” If either of the above statements describes your situation at this time, then you will want to read the following article. You will learn below how to approach a scheduled drug test, a test for which all tested employees must provide a specimen of hair.If you have learned that your employer plans to conduct a hair drug test on his or her employees, you may be consumed by one thought. If you are a drug user, you probably have one focus at this time: pass hair drug test. Perhaps you have even searched online for web sites that promise success to those who initiate a search by typing in the phrase “pass hair drug test.”
If you have not attempted an online search for help, then you might have turned to friends who say “Pass hair drug test; do this…” You might have more than on way to finish that sentence. For instance, you might have heard that by bleaching your hair you can fool a hair drug test. Perhaps you have heard that by cutting your hair you can pass the dreaded hair drug test.

In order to remove toxins from the hair follicles, one must use a shampoo that can penetrate to the hair shaft. The hair follicles, the spaces where toxins can accumulate, lie along that hair shaft. How can a drug user judge the ability of a shampoo to detoxify his or her hair?
A search online for a detoxifying shampoo reveals the existence of many different types. A drug user must match his or her shampoo with the length and thickness of the hair that is holding the toxins. The drug user should also consider the probable frequency with which he or she will use that shampoo.
Finally, the drug user must accept the fact that no shampoo yields results without producing certain side effects. Those side effects include a thinning of the hair on the scalp and the creation of dry, flaky hair. Fortunately, at least one web site offers a special conditioner to the drug user who wants to avoid dry and flaky hair.
A female who worries about dry and flaky hair might want to cover her head with a scarf. A male does not usually have that option, unless he is member of the Sikh religion. In fact, an employer with a Sikh on his or her payroll might decide against the need for a hair drug test. The same thinking could influence the actions of an employer with a female, Muslim employee.
Both such employees could indicate that removal of their hair covering would be an act in opposition to their religious principles. They could then refuse to take the hair drug test.
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