Hair Follicle Drug Tests Are Preferable Over More Traditional Ways Of Testing

   Hair follicle drug test kits not only detect if drugs have been used, it also gives information on the quantity and past history of a person’s drug use.  This method is preferable over traditional ways of testing, such as taking a urine sample because the drug user may stop using drugs for a set amount of days before applying for a job and taking a test.  With urine testing, there is a strong chance that the applicant will test negative and once hired will probably start using drugs again.  With a hair follicle drug test kit staying away from drugs for a few days beforehand will not work.  This method of drug testing can be done every 90 days and produce an accurate drug history on the individual being tested.  When this type of drug test is used, it keeps drug users from being hired and it will keep current employees from using.  When employees use drugs, they are generally much less productive and miss much more work than those that do not use drugs.  An employer who has this problem with his or her employees can have a hard time staying in business because of poor work habits.  A person cannot alter the hair by putting anything in or on the sample while in the specimen collection location.  Also, hair follicle drug tests are better because a person cannot replace his or her hair with someone else’s.  The person doing the drug testing takes the hair sample directly from the individual being tested so it is never out of sight.  Lastly, this method of drug testing is not subject to hydration in that the person being tested cannot eat or drink anything that will dilute the hair sample. Keep in mind, hair testing is more expensive than urine testing but it is more reliable, less invasive and reveals drug abuse over a much longer period of time than other methods.

   Besides hair follicle drug testing, bood and urine are the most commonly used biological fluids when checking for drugs. A blood sample is gotten by an invasive procedure and is available only in small quantities.  Drug concentration levels in blood are generally low. The preferred sample of choice is urine because it is available in bigger quantities and contains metabolite. It also uses a less invasive procedures in its collection. However, both sampling methods are limited in their ability because they only determine the absolute amount of drug present in the fluid being examined. This quantity is dependent upon the amount of the drug used and when it was last used.  Urine drug testing remains standard for many companies when drug testing because it is relatively inexpensive and can show if someone is on drugs or has used them within the past four or five days.  There are many companies that prefer hair follicle drug testing because it can show if drugs have been used over a period of 90 days and many employers prefer this method to keep drug abusers out of their work force.  More and more companies are using this method even though it is more expensive.  In the long run, it can save a company a lot of problems by dismissing or not hiring drug users. To find out more information about hair follicle drug tests please visit


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